In the period from 19. to 21.11. our company participated in the DIVINO 2021 exhibition in Sofia, Bulgaria.
It was an exhibition dedicated mainly to winemakers, not only to their wines, but also to their other products such as spirits, brandy and liqueurs. About 80 exhibitors from all over Bulgaria accepted the participation, which means not only prestige for them, but also a kind of holiday, when they meet regularly and exchange experiences in their field. The Moravia glassworks was the only participant in the field of container glass, we were located in the middle of the exhibition pavilion, so it was not possible to overlook or miss us. Thanks to the good preparation of our local sales representative, we had the opportunity to physically present our production, with an emphasis on the presentation of our production options, both in terms of bottle types and color range.
At a time when energy prices are rising and some glassworks have already shut down or produce only certain types of bottles, there was great interest in our glass, our black glass, which few people produce, attracted miniatures and also our new Durana bottle and last but not least also very popular gin bottles - Lab Gin and Baron, which were based on our traditional production of apothecary jars.
We have met many companies that we already know from previous negotiations, it was very pleasant that they returned to us, and the real demand for our bottles is increasing. Even more pleasant is the fact that our company is gaining a name in Bulgaria and is able to compete with local glassworks.