A unique product and unique packaging, the perfect symbiosis

By choosing the right colour for the glass, you can achieve a perfect connection and underline your product’s character.

Flint glass

Common and popular colour of glass in which every distillate stands out. It also goes well with subtle white, rosé and red wines. And, naturally, it is suitable for Apothecary jars, cosmetic and food packaging

Flint glass

Violet glass

Special glass with biophotonic properties. It does not transmit the visible part of the spectrum of solar radiation. Its unique properties protect the contents from the harmful effects of light, extend its lifespan and increase its efficacy. Therefore, it is the perfect choice for food, medicines and cosmetics.

Violet glass

Amber glass

The traditional colour of packaging glass. It is typical used for beer and wine bottles. It is also a dominant colour in the Apothecary jars segment.

Amber glass

Black glass

We provide luxury black glass of the highest quality. It does not let light in at all. It is most often used for bottles of cream liqueurs (Irish Cream) or for bottles of high-quality spirits like dry gin from the premium brands. An ideal choice for limited or anniversary editions.

Black glass

Changeover glass

It arises when there is a colour change in the furnace and new colour om campaign is changed to another. This creates unique, unrepeatable colour, which is often used for limited editions of premium products.

Changeover glass

Private colours

At Sklárny Moravia, we understand the importance of customised solutions for our clients. Developing private colours brings a host of advantages:

1. **Exclusivity**: Private colours are like prized possessions, ensuring that Sklárny dedicates its production exclusively to the owner. So, if anyone else wants that colour, they'll have to go through the owner company, adding a touch of exclusivity and control to your brand.

2. **Cost Efficiency**: The colour testing process comes with a one-time cost. Once we've nailed the desired colour in the furnace, there's no need to cough up more cash for it again. It's a smart move that saves you money in the long run.

3. **Ownership and Flexibility**: You call the shots! Clients retain full rights to their chosen colour and can even pass it on or sell it to a third party. It's all about giving you the freedom and potential revenue opportunities you deserve.

But, of course, there are a couple of conditions to keep things running smoothly:

1. **Minimum Production Requirement**: To switch to a new colour, we'll need to produce a minimum of one month's worth (equivalent to 540 tons). This ensures we've got enough volume to make the transition worthwhile.

2. **Specification and Furnace Compatibility**: The colour has to meet our specifications and play nice with our furnace capabilities. This ensures we maintain top-notch quality and operational efficiency.

With our private colour development service, Sklárny Moravia is here to tailor solutions that meet your branding and packaging needs to a tee, all while keeping quality, exclusivity, and cost-effectiveness in mind.

Private colours

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